Sunday, 19 December 2010

On Young Mountain

So I have been listening to this post-rock band band, This Will Destroy You, from San Marcos again recently and thought I would share a thought or two about this 2006 EP. Yes it lacks the quirky track names and rediculous time-changes found in math-rock, but there is something sweet about this release. It is epic from the first second and never seems to rise above 100bpm. The guitars range from echoey clean sounds to massive distorted sound and everything has a brave amount of reverb on it. There isn't so much to distinguish this band from any other post-rock group that sound like Explosions in the Sky, but there is some strong material here. The melodies are catchy, it is depressing and reflective but still uplifting in many ways the only thing it lacks is pretension, and I have to concede I find this alot with post-rock. There is no sense of progression for the sake of it, which may be a good thing for some listeners, but I must admit I admire conceit and elitism within music. There is something beautifuly smug about a compoer or group which give the impression of thinking they know they are original or better than most. I really am a bit of a cunt aren't I?
Nevertheless, check this EP out:


Ma as-salaamah

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